I’m not retired - I’m just getting started.
Published Articles and Research
Small-cap Withdrawal Magic. | Financial Advisor. | September 1, 2016.
Fixing a Broken Retirement Withdrawal Plan. | Financial Advisor. | December 1, 2017.
How Much is Enough? | Financial Advisor. | May 1, 2012.
Is 4.5% Still Safe? | Financial Advisor. | June 1, 2016.
Determining Withdrawal Rates Using Historical Data. | Journal of Financial Planning. | October 1994.
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Asset Allocation for a Lifetime. | Journal of Financial Planning. | August 1996.
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Conserving Client Portfolios During Retirement, Part III. | Journal of Financial Planning. | December 1997.
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Conserving Client Portfolios During Retirement, Part IV. | Journal of Financial Planning. | May 2001.
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